About avvocato penalista

Avvocato civilista, svolge la sua attività professionale principalmente nel campo del contenzioso, dove ha sviluppato una particolare competenza nel diritto locatizio, delle esecuzioni e condominiale, oltre che in materia di risarcimento del danno.

- Lo studio dell'Avv. Andrea Stefanelli si occupa di assistenza legale giudiziale e stragiudiziale, nelle sua sede di Lecce. In una realtà giuridica in continua evoluzione l'avv. Andrea Stefanelli si propone arrive un professionista giovane e dinamico sempre attento all'analisi e all'approfondimento delle nuove problematiche giuridiche.

The lawyer Bernardo Brancaccio, advocate before the Higher Jurisdictions, is among the finest acknowledged and many appreciated felony legal professionals from the Neapolitan spot. For many years president with the criminal lawyers in the Felony Chamber of Torre Annunziata, he has a effectively-rounded Specialist working experience, getting taken component in An important and major trials of both equally structured criminal offense and common crime, as well as crimes towards the public administration by so-called “white-collar workers”.

Durante la nostra esperienza abbiamo seguito numerosi casi, spesso complessi, maturando una esperienza che ci permette, già dal primo incontro, l’inquadramento giuridico della problematica e la prospettazione delle possibili linee difensive.

in case of troubles in Italy, Definitely the most beneficial law firm to whom a person can pick. Besides having... frightening information in legislation, he also is aware English properly in order to assist a consumer who feels dropped resulting from a legal issue in Italyread extra

He has acquired consolidated encounter in aiding in extradition techniques, European arrest warrant and recognition of overseas sentences for the goal weblink of their execution in Italy, based on the provisions of Framework Conclusion 2008/909/GAI.

Ho conseguito altresì competenza nei procedimenti innanzi ai Tribunali di Sorveglianza, in quelli di esecuzione della pena ed in materia di misure di prevenzione. Assisto le parti nei Ricorsi ordinari e straordinari per Cassazione.

For us, a few extra minutes usually do not modify our lifetime, but a little bit more info can make you feel more secure and serene, which is the most important factor for us!

We have been immediately readily available as we spot the pursuits of our consumer at the middle of Check This Out our legal action. Our professionals talk English, French and Spanish. This permits us to confront any lawful difficulty from the national and Worldwide territory.

We have been obtaining quite a few studies from those who report that they happen to be defrauded by the organization ‘Clsaeu’ (): in … Study more

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In 1 7 days every thing was completed. I will validate him and his personnel as companions of our establishment in Bangkok as formal Worldwide attorneys. Thanks once again on your assistance.examine additional

Furthermore, we also present on the net lawful session exercise to legal professionals and gurus in relation to specifically advanced lawful difficulties and, specifically, in matters of international regulation in this contact form Italy.

Since 2009 he has begun to undertake frequent professional collaboration routines at Key regulation corporations operating inside the felony legislation sector in the full countrywide territory.

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